This set will launch on March 14, 2025, with each booster box containing 30 packs.
This set will introduce more Trainer’s Pokémon belonging to Ethan, Misty, Cynthia, and Arven. While Cynthia and Arven appear on the booster pack artwork, their official cards have yet to be revealed.
The pack art features Cynthia’s Garchomp, Ethan’s Ho-Oh—which has been revealed as a card—and Arven’s Mabosstiff. So far, only Ethan’s Pokémon and some of Misty’s Pokémon have been officially revealed.
The confirmed cards include Ethan’s Adventure, Ethan’s Ho-Oh, Typhlosion, Quilava, Cyndaquil, Magcargo, Slugma, and Pichu. Additionally, Misty’s Gyarados, Magikarp, and Psyduck have been revealed. On the Trainer card side, the item card Sacred Ash, originally from XY – Flashfire, has been reprinted.
Heat Wave Arena Booster Box (Japanese)
All card art depicted in the product images are just a reference for top cards contained within a set, or cards we find to be noteworthy. These specific cards are not guaranteed.
*** Pre-order sales will be final ***
These set prices will be likely highly volatile over the next few weeks. We have caught a lower price than most shops who ordered in advance, but price volatility is always a market factor. Do your due diligence prior to ordering.